Teachers should build classroom climate where errors are welcome, student engagement is the norm, questioning is high and students gain reputations as effective learners”.
At BMS, learning is child centric, encouraging activity based learning. Students are provided with a platform to think, express and exhibit their skills. They are equipped to excel in academics and to be savvy in the use of technology. Teaching methods are also improved so that it turns learning into combination of study and critical questioning. From academics to co-curricular activities perseverance and a never say die spirit is entrenched in the heart of every student not only making them good students but brilliant human beings also.
Parents, now a days, often complain that their ward’s behaviour and attitude is not what is expected of them. They are worried that despite best education and facilities, the child exhibits alarming traits to the parents. In today’s world the emotional bonding is weakening, academic pressure is surmounting and social values are being eroded. In such scenario, parents have to give time to their children to reap good habits, leading to a strong foundation of character and discipline which ultimately decides his destiny. To my students I would like to say :
“Reach high , for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal."
Mrs. Parveen Sangwan